
In this tutorial, we're gonna talk about a new type (Function) and a related concept (Scope).
Function is the most blissful type in almost any programming language.
Yes, I really mean to say - Function is "blissful". :D

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Why is function blissful?

That word, function, is actually a typing mistake made by one of the first programmers of the world. The original name of this type was action before the mistake has occurred in documentation and spread over the earth. Somewhere down the line, people started thinking the type is somewhat related to mathematics and use it the mathematical way. Let’s scroll up the calendar a bit and talk about it in term of action. :D

If you practice some Zen living approaches, then you will know that any simple action in our daily life can bring about blissful experience. Deeply influenced by Zen living style, the first programmers of the world decided to bring the idea into programming. The core concept is to allow people to divide a complex task into simple actions. This is sure good, isn’t it? Because we all know that a complex task rarely brings about blissfulness. :D

Using function in JavaScript

So, to define an action in JavaScript, the mistaken keyword is used. :D

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All the statements which are put inside the couple of curly braces {} will not be executed until the action is invoked.

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Do you remember the parentheses () which were mentioned in our first tutorial? This is it! The log itself is an action, too. The only difference here is that we’ve not put anything between the parentheses () when we invoke the drink.

Invoking action with matter

Yes, just try and see what will happen. We’re gonna invoke the action drink 2 times with various drinks.

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What do you see in your console window? It’s still taking tea, right? :D
It is because the action definition does not take advantage of the provided drinks. Let’s change the definition a bit.

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How about this time? Does it work? :D
By declaring a variable named liquid between the parentheses () of the definition, we’ve made the action more flexible and saved a lot of time writing repetitive code. Just imagine if we had to write new action definition for every new kind of drinks. Wew…

We can also have more than one variable between the parentheses () by separating variables using commas , and give the action more details by invoking it with values separated by commas , as well.

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Those variables which are placed between the parentheses () are often called parameters, another word borrowed from mathematics. Anyway, we’ll keep calling them variables because they are just variables. :D

Just a little from mathematics

So, just a silly typing mistake and the whole world is referring to mathematics wherever this type is mentioned. It really scares away many creative people when they start thinking about coding. But, by borrowing ideas from mathematics, the type also acquires a tremendous beauty if we don’t take it so serious.

Back to the core concept of function, it allows us to divide a complex task into simple actions. So, calculating is also considered as an action and sometimes we would want to do something like this.

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The main task looks so clean and it’s easy to guess what the code does because we’ve moved away all the details by using functions: The first function invocation yielded something and the result was stored in the variable content. The second invocation also yielded something and the result was stored in the variable excerpt.

Yes, a function invocation can yield something. And this idea is borrowed from mathematics. To make a function able to yield, a statement is used to return a value at the end of the function definition.

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And it’s just about the keyword return. No more mathematics stuff gets involved here. There’s only one more little thing about the return statement that we should take note: Once the statement is reached, the function execution will be ended and all the statements afterward will be ignored.

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Function is a type

This section is just for reminding the most basic use of function as a type before we go to take the concept of Scope.

Since function is a type, it means that we can consider a function as a value. Instead of defining a function with a name, we can store a no-name function in a variable like this.

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We can also pass a function as a value when we’re invoking another function.

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By using function this way, the function whisper can yield more than 1 value when it is invoked. In many situations, this is more convenient than using a return statement.

The concept of Scope

The main part of the tutorial has finished. Here is just a simple concept related to function and variable. We’re gonna move through it quickly. Let’s check the following code snippet.

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We’ve created a variable inside the function just and tried to refer to it from outside; The computer cannot find the variable so it says the variable box is undefined. In other words, the variable’s scope is protected by the function just and it is only visible inside the function.

The second note about the concept of Scope is that a function will always prefer to use its inner variables.

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Yet, it doesn’t mean that the outer variable is not visible to the function. In case there’s no inner variable which has the same name as the outer one, the function will refer to the outer variable.

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And that was all about the concept of Scope. So, we’ve known quite enough about fundamental stuff. Just one more tutorial and we will start manipulating the HTML document. Let’s take a break before heading to our next tutorial.


Next: Object & Everything ;