How to create a website?
Forget about technical and academic views. We go online everyday. We can start at homepage of a website and explore thousands of its pages. That’s it.
A website is a collection of many webpages.
__A simple & happy Mind
So if you want to create a website, just start it simply by learning how to create a single...
What is CSS? Why do we need it?
Everybody knows that HTML is a simplified version of English. It helps us to talk to web browsers. With HTML, we can tell web browsers to display any type of contents (links, images, buttons, etc…). But none of HTML tags can help us to tell web browsers how to display those content aesthetically.
There is no disappointment in this truth. HTML...
How to Bootstrap a website?
If you’ve been following my blog from the CSS tutorial about Frameworks & Icons then you already knew what Bootstrap is. But, I still want to re-introduce the thing
in case someone just accidently comes here and joins our tutorial.
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML/CSS frameworks which provides common components (navigation bar, dropdown, image slider, grid layout tools, …)...
What is JavaScript?
Unlike HTML and CSS, JavaScript is a programming language. With JavaScript, you can teach the computer to think and make decision based on certain situation.
JavaScript can make your website smart.
__A simple & happy Mind
For example, you want to place a button on your webpage to greet user when he/she clicks on it. HTML...
Coming soon
Coming soon
Creating a simple navigation bar
Before starting this tutorial, let me assume that you’ve come from the CSS tutorial about Styling Text on my website. So, at the moment, we’ve some basic tools ready in our hands:
- Basic selectors, class selectors, id selectors
- Commonly used properties:
- Position properties
- And some properties used for styling text
In this tutorial, we...