
We've used the font-size property a few times to change size of text contents.
Let's take a quick look at some basic text styling properties.
Later, we'll create a simple navigation bar.

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Changing how letters look

We’ve used the font-size property a few times to change size of text contents. And here are some other commonly used font properties:

  • font-weight - bold/normal text
  • font-style - italic/normal text
  • font-family - specify font family

Let’s write some CSS code to see them in action.
We’re gonna create some paragraphs:

  • The first paragraph is bold, but it’s not italicized.
  • The second one is not bold, but it’s italicized.
  • The last one uses a mono-space font which is commonly used to display code.

HTML code:

CSS code:


See the Pen Font Properties by Kei Nart (@codenart) on CodePen.

As you notice that we can specify more than 1 font in font-family to make sure at least 1 specified font will be found.

Find and use free fonts

We can use fonts which are not ready on user’s device by including fonts in our webpage. There are some websites offer free fonts to use with your website and Google Font is a great one.

Firstly, you need to explore the website to find a font and click on the plus icon on top right corner.

choose font

Then click on the selected bar at the bottom of the web browsers viewport, copy and paste the provided HTML code into your HTML document.

link to document

Now, you can use the font in your CSS code.

HTML code:

CSS code:


See the Pen Free Font by Kei Nart (@codenart) on CodePen.

Decorating and transforming text

Besides bold and italic, we can also quickly emphasize some text using text-decoration property. The property can be used with one of these values:

  • underline - is used to… under feet
  • overline - is used to… over head
  • line-through - is used to… a train
  • none - remove text decoration (if any)

To make sure that the output of text content is consistent in some specific part of webpage (like navigation bar), we can use the text-transform property. The property can be used with one of these values:

  • capitalize - first letter of each word should be uppercase
  • lowercase - everything on this planet should be lowercase
  • uppercase - everything in the universe should be uppercase
  • none - remove text transformation (if any)

Aligning text and changing line height

To horizontally align text, we can use text-align property. The property can be use with one of these 3 values:

  • left set by default
  • center
  • right

Here is an example of using text-align with 3 paragraphs.

HTML code:

CSS code:


See the Pen Alignment by Kei Nart (@codenart) on CodePen.

Besides horizontally aligning text, controlling line-height is important to make our text contents look better.

The line-height property is normally used with a value in px or %.
If it is used with a value in %, the value will be calculated base on the current font-size of the element.

Ideal line-height for normal paragraphs is 150-170%.

CSS code:

HTML code:


See the Pen Space by Kei Nart (@codenart) on CodePen.

The line-height property is also useful when we want to vertically center text of an element which only has a single line of text; We can simply set value of line-height to the same as element’s height.

Create a simple navigation bar

As our tutorial is quite long at the moment, I have to move this part to a single article. So, please keep this tab open and click on the link below to go to the article:

Tutorial: Creating a minimal navigation bar

Have you finished the tutorial and created a simple navigation bar? :D
Found it easy? :D

There are more useful tools (Selectors & Properties) are waiting for us to explore. In the next tutorial, we’re gonna meet Selectors again. :D

Next: Combining Selectors ;