
As you've got more familiar with HTML, we're gonna go fast in this tutorial.
Lists and Tables are popular ways to represent data.
Let's create some of them.

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Creating Lists and Tables

There are 3 types of List in HTML:

  • unordered list
  • ordered list
  • definition list

The last one is very rarely used, so we’re gonna talk about unordered list, ordered list, and tables.

Unordered Lists

To create an unordered list, we firstly need to create a container using <ul></ul> tags.
The second step is specifying list items using <li></li> tags.

Sample code:


  • Strawberry
  • Watermelon
  • Blueberry

Ordered Lists

Creating an ordered list is almost the same as creating an unordered one.

Sample code:


  1. Strawberry
  2. Watermelon
  3. Blueberry


A table in HTML is created row by row. Here are steps to create a table:

  • Create a table container using <table></table> tags.
  • Create table’s row(s) using <tr></tr> tags.
  • Inside each row, add table’s data cell(s) using <td></td> tags.
  • For the cells which you want to use as row headings or column headings, use th instead of td.

Sample code:


Name Age Place
Methuselah 4,800 California
Senator 3,500 Florida
Sarv-e Abarqu 4,000 Iran

There are also attributes which are used with <td> or <th> to expand cells by columns and rows. And here are reference links to the attributes:


In the previous example, there was a line of code which has not appeared in the result:

<!-- The row above is for headings -->

This line is used for explanation in HTML document without affecting the output on webpage view. It is called a comment.

A comment in HTML is created using an opening tag <!-- and a ending tag -->.

Another benefit of using comments is to temporarily cancel a block of code without deleting or moving your code to another place.

Sample code:

Next: Text Formatters ;