
Embedded content is content that imports another file into the HTML document.
We have embedded an image into an HTML document.
Let's do it few more times. :D

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How to add videos into a webpage?

This time we’re gonna use video files stored locally first:

  • Put your video file in the same folder with the HTML document or in a sub-folder.
  • Ask Atom to perform this 2-letters mantra: vi.
  • You will see something show up: <video src="" autoplay poster=""></video>.
  • Using src to point to your video file.
  • Replace poster="" with controls.
  • That’s it.

Screenshot: embed a video stored locally in webpage

You can also upload your video to Youtube then embed back in your website. Most of the websites which allow us to upload and share media files, have a share button with an embed option. You only need to copy the provided HTML code and paste it into your HTML document.

Screenshot: using video from Youtube

Sample code:


About the iframe tag, we’re gonna talk about it in the next section.

Reference: Supported Video-Formats

The iframe tag

The iframe tag allows us to embed a webpage in another webpage.

Sample code:

The width and height attributes are used to specify size (in pixel) of the inner window which is the container of embedded content.

How to add audios into a webpage?

Adding audios into a webpage is just similar to adding videos. We’re gonna make another mantra and send to Atom:

  • Ooommm… Atom, the new mantra is au.
  • Poof! <audio src=""></audio>.
  • Now we need to add a file path to the src.
  • We also need to add autoplay and controls attributes.

As you get more skilled in doing magic with Atom, I’ll just show sample code from now on. :D

Screenshot: embed audio file stored locally in a webpage

And there’s also a free solution for audio upload if you don’t want to store your audio files locally: SoundCloud.

Screenshot: using audio from

Sample code:


Waaaa… I’ve not noticed that this article is full of music now. :D
I’m sorry if those stuff distracted you. :D

After 3 tutorials, now we’ve already known how to add basic content-types into webpages. The next important thing is grouping related contents into parts (navigation bar, main content, footer, …) and make them look aesthetic.

Next: Container Tags ;